The WBHS Foundation is an initiative aimed at harnessing financial support for Westville Boys’ High School. It has been registered under Section 21 of the Companies Act (Reg No. 2014/038/219/08; PBO No. 930046644) and operates as a non-profit company.
Westville old boys, current and past parents of Westville pupils and friends of the School who pledge their financial support in one of the designated categories will be entitled to membership of the Company. By virtue of that membership they will be able to participate in the functioning of the company by formulating company policy and nominating and electing Directors.
Allocation of funds
Funds will be allocated in accordance with the mandate established by the members of the Foundation. All funds utilised in support of Westville Boys’ High School will be guided by the primary objective of the Foundation which is to ensure that Westville Boys’ High School maintains its status as a premier school in South Africa.
Foundation Programmes
The Foundation has identified various initiatives which are strategically aligned with the goals and objectives as identified by the Westville Boys’ High School Management as part of their Strategic Planning Process.
Campus Development Fund | Funding capital development and improvements at Westville Boys’ High School. | |
Endowment Fund | Developing a support fund for Westville Boys’ High School. |